
Free Download Seas0npass Filesystem Patch Failed Programs

Free Download Seas0npass Filesystem Patch Failed Programs Rating: 4,5/5 6923 votes

[Question] Apple TV jailbreak problem 'Seas0npass is unable to retrieve firmware details. Please check your internet connection and firewall settings. Question (self.jailbreak) submitted 3 years ago by shirleyw92 iPhone 6s, iOS 10.2. Filesystem Patch Failed. 38 posts / 0 new / Last post. Log in #1 February 6, 2011 - 11:56am. Process failed with reason: Filesystem patches failed!! Log in #5 February 15, 2011 - 1:01pm. Copy or download seas0npass to the new user's homedirectory and continue necessary steps.

During a recent update I received this: Installing: kernel-default- [error] Installation of kernel-default- failed: (with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: installing package kernel-default- needs 147MB on the / filesystem Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): i Installing: kernel-desktop- [error] Installation of kernel-desktop- failed: (with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed.

Error: RPM failed: installing package kernel-desktop- needs 148MB on the / filesystem Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): i Installing: kernel-source- [error] Installation of kernel-source- failed: (with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: installing package kernel-source- needs 432MB on the / filesystem Which I am assuming means my / partition needs some room. So I checked the size/space: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 25G 24G 208M 100% / How did / grow to be so huge!? Is this a common occurrence and is there a quick trick to freeing up some space?

I assume that there are things I'm not using in there and I've been able to update kernels easily for the past year -- so something is accumulating. I'd rather figure out what I free up (are old kernels kept?) instead of re-partitioning my whole drive to grow /.

Make a backup before making any of the following changes Do not proceed without either a backup or the willingness to lose all data. Run du -sh /home to get the size used by /home directory. If it's sufficiently large(>=4G), /home is a good candidate to have its own partition. Boot from either a livecd or Depending on your partition table type (GPT or MBR), use either gdisk, parted, or fdisk.

Create a new partition Format using your preferred fstype e.g. Mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 mkdir /mnt/os mkdir /mnt/home mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/os # mount your OS, now all on / mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/home # mount newly formatted partion cp -a /mnt/os/home/* /mnt/home/ # copy current /home data to new partition cd /mnt/os/home # remove old home data, leaving mountpoint rm -rf. Now you need to cd to /mnt/os/etc and edit fstab and add /dev/sda2 /home ext4 defaults 0 1 There's more than one way to do this. Depending on your experience and skill you could mount by UUID (preferred, but not necessary). One could do the same for other filesystems, if you've installed a lot of google tools, or eclipse, they get intalled in /opt and it is also a good candidate to be in its own partition.

Free Download Seas0npass Filesystem Patch Failed Programs

If you get to the point where you have many partitions, you'll want to switch to GPT partitioning and/or LVM. If so, re-ask the question. Whether a 25GB system partition is huge or tiny depends on how much software you have installed (is this a single-purpose server or a shared workstation with a lot of domain-specific software?) and on how much data is lurking in /var (do you have 200 users' mail in that partition?). Good places to look for accumulated cruft include: • /tmp: any old, large files in there? You may want to make /tmp a tmpfs filesystem, so that it doesn't consume disk space and starts afresh at every boot. • /var/tmp: any huge files in there?

Proposal kit professional v150 rapidshare download. • /var/log: did a runaway service produce gigabytes of logs? • /var/cache: is there a large cache that isn't being purged properly? Especially check where your distribution puts downloaded packages (e.g. /var/cache/apt/archives/ on APT-based distributions). • Do you have any unused software installed?

That's usually not much, but you may be able to find library versions that aren't used by any executable still on your system. Programs like deborphan (on Debian and derivatives) can help. Check if you're encumbered by old kernels, too. If you can't find what to delete, you can at least see what's taking up space with du or a such as (a Gnome utility).

If you have space left elsewhere, you can move some large chunk of /usr or /var (or /opt or /srv if relevant) to a different partition and make a symbolic link.