
Bmw Torque Specs Pdf

Bmw Torque Specs Pdf Rating: 3,3/5 4071 votes

Ranges.￿In￿addition￿to￿an￿increased￿power￿and￿torque,￿the￿new￿engine￿also￿complies￿with￿the￿ULEV￿II exhaust￿emission￿standard.

Post E46 M3 torque spec's and I'll add them here. Engine Oil drain plug: 18 ft-lbs Oil filter housing cap bolt: 24 ft-lbs Banjo bolt (side of valve cover): 18 ft-lbs (25 Nm) Spark Plugs: 16 ft-lbs (22 Nm) Cam Bolts: 10.3 ft-lbs (14 Nm ) Chain Tensioner bolt: 32mm 51.6 ft-lb (70nm) Cylinder head bolts: E14 22.1 ft-lb (30nm)/90 degrees/90 degrees (see explanation in thread) Engine mounts: 37 ft-lbs (49 Nm) VANOS filter bolt: 20 ft-lbs Oil pan bolts - 8.8 grade - 89 in-lbs (10 Nm) 10.9 grade - 106 in-lbs (12 Nm) Tensioner: 18 ft. (24 Nm) Idler Pulley: 33 ft. Hey everyone! In addition to the torque spec thread that is stickied in this section, I thought I would do a little PDF files with the actual drawings and torque values.

Easy to read, print, and have in the garage. Describing torques with this is a lot easier than writing the name of the actual part and torque value.

Here you go for the download: (updated 2017/3/3) Please do not hesitate to comment for anything that could correct / make the file better! Stay up to date!

Simple give me your email address using this link: and I will send you update warnings about the file ----------------------------------------------------- Change log. Quote: Sorry, no turbro thread here. But, it's not because the E46 M3 has no torque that it cannot be torqued right, right? So I made this: updated I will add it to the torque thread. Tried to verify as many as possible, but of course I may have made mistakes, so please tell me if you see any! I made this because we took a friend's car apart in order to repair the RACP, and we wanted to torque everything back to factory specs, which got me started.

I will print this and always leave it in the garage. Very easy to check tightening torques. Any feedback on how to make it better appreciated! I was just gonna ask if you had it in foot lbs!

This is amazing for lack of better terms man.!!! I'm literally in the middle of a full engine rebuild and you have no idea how much you just helped me out!! Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk No problem. I hope I did not make any mistakes. I tried to verify all of the torques as much as possible.

Always check if they make sense To convert to Ft Lbs, I can do that of course, but will need some time. It's late here now, and I need to get some sleep before a big day of work tomorrow.

In the mean time: Nm x 0,77 = Ft Lbs Nm x 8,3 = Inch Lbs.

Thor 2 download in hindi hd 720p. However, when some policemen try to arrest her, an unknown energy repulses them.

Try this attachment; (172.4 KB, 6 views) In addition, typing /torque_ (the underscore captures PDF files) in the bestlinks nets this. (172.4 KB, 1164 views) See also: - Complete 1997 BMW torque values () & M62 engine-specific torque values () & a conversion calculator for foot-pound/newton-meters () & the truth about spark plug torque and anti-seize sacrificial-anode paste () & automatic transmission torque values () & what torque to use when replacing the E39 I6 oil level sensor () & all torque values and specs needed for a 4-wheel brake job () & how to calibrate your torque wrench tools (). Front brake specs from the Bentley Manual: Front brake rotor to hub - 12 ft/lbs - make sure you put anti-seize on threads and just snug it down.

The lug bolts hold the rotor on the hub. That little Allen bolt is just a locator but can be a real pain if the Allen fitting gets stripped. Caliper to frame - 22 ft/lbs (7mm Allen bolt) These are the sliding pin bolts. Frame to knuckle - 81 ft/lbs I posted those in January.

Rear specs are available from the same source. Vol 1 available online. Anyone who DIYs or owns an E39 should have a copy so they can know what's going on with their vehicle.